
404 S. Osprey Ave. – “Seminole Apartments, ca. 1925

404 S. Osprey Ave, circa 2006

The “Seminole Apartments, were built in 1925 by developers Rhodes & Hale.

An early reference to the apartments appeared in the Sarasota Herald on November 27, 1925:

Considerable damage was done to the interior of an apartment occupied by H.A. Butler in the Seminole Apartment yesterday when an oil stove exploded causing a blazed which threatened to raze the building until checked by the local fire department.  Most of the damage was confined to the chattels of the occupant and the interior furnishings and decoration.  Mr. Butler was away at the time.   Huge volumes of black smoke from the burning of oil gave the fire all the appearance of a large conflagration.

Life got better over the years as a classified in the Sarasota Herald on August 1, 1937, stated:

Stove, kerosene and water heaters. Small refrigerator all in good condition.  Call at Seminole Apartment.