
Oak Street Resurfacing Project


Scope of Oak Street resurfacing

All of Oak Street, from US 301 to Orange Ave will be resurfaced with the work estimated to run from February 4th through April 16th.  The project will include:

  • removal of brick,
  • base restoration,
  • asphalt surfacing,
  • reconstructing adjacent sidewalk curb ramps to meet ADA requirements,
  • and replacing any faulty sidewalk.

At times there will be detours.  Vehicular access to homes will be maintained during evening/non-work hours.

Frequently asked questions:

Question 1.  Will folks living on Oak St always have access to their driveways? 

City Response: The contractor will maintain resident access, including driveways, during work hours. Please note that on-street parking will be very limited due to the roadway reconstruction and safety concerns. They will ensure that access to driveways is available during non-working hours.

At the moment there are three driveway aprons that will be replaced in order to correct the street grade at these locations: Both driveway aprons of the circular driveway of 1914 Oak St and the driveway apron of 1911 Oak Street. We plan on notifying these two properties that they won’t be able to drive on the new driveway aprons for a week.

Question 2: Same question for the dead end side streets such as Columbia Court, Madison, Ohio Place, etc…

City Response: Residents will generally have access to all dead-end streets. However, there may be temporary closures during work hours when construction is taking place directly in front of those areas. Access will be restored once the work is completed, and residents will continue to have access after working hours.

Question 3: Will the construction affect Tuesday’s trash pickup?

City Response:  We will do our best to facilitate trash pickup by accommodating the work schedule.

The following are project diagrams received from the city: