
Osprey Ave Construction Update

“Slip-lining the water main”

As many of us have noticed, although Osprey Ave has a rough surface between Oak Street and Brother Geenan, we’ve had full access of Osprey Ave in Laurel Park throughout the winter.  However, that doesn’t mean that the City’s utility department has stopped working on the replacement of water and sewer main lines.  Through careful planning, the department has indeed continued the project but with a focus on underground work.   

Beginning around May 12, the City’s contractor will slip-line (inserting a smaller pipe inside a larger conduit) a new 12-inch water main between Brother Geenan and 2nd Street and “open cut” the new water main between Mound and Brother Geenan.  After that is complete, they will connect the new line to the existing water mains. Two-way traffic will be maintained using flagmen and traffic control devices. The construction will require opening up the road and there will be an open “pit” at Brother Geenan on the west side just north of the little micro-park.  The other pit will be between 2nd & Fruitville.  Once the new water main is slip-lined inside the old pipe, crews will dig at each intersection along Osprey between 2nd and Brother Geenan to connect the new main to the existing mains.  They will also need to dig pits at each service connection to connect each property to the new water main. Lastly, we have to open-cut the water main between PF Chang’s and Brother Geenan. This phase is expected to last until the end of September.  As an additional benefit to the neighborhood, a reclaimed water line will be put on Oak Street.  After that line is installed, the LPNA will work with the City’s parks department to improve the landscaping of the Oak Street medians.

Finally, after that phase is complete, the road (including any curbing repairs) will be restored to its original condition.  If you want more information about utility projects occurring in the city, refer to the utilities page on the City’s website.

Also, in case you’re wondering about the existing closure on Osprey, south of Mound Street, the bridge (and the rest of Osprey) is expected to re-open sometime in June.