
You and Your Best Friend

Be a good neighbor

We live in a wonderful community, and we love to share it with friends – including those with fur. Walking your dog (or cat, for those so inclined) is a great way to enjoy some fresh air and meet your neighbors.

The LPNA has received some reminders from neighbors for responsible pet ownership – and for being a good neighbor:

  • Please pick up after your pet. It is your responsibility to keep our streets, sidewalks and neighbors’ yards free of your pet’s leavings.
  • It’s hot. Please make sure your pets have access to a cool spot and plenty of water.
  • Please attend to your pet if they are barking outside – as a courtesy to others and to avoid conflicts with the city’s ordinances.

Just to be clear –  Laurel Park pet owner’s are by-and-large very attentive to these ordinances, so THANK YOU!

HOWEVER…For those who are not quite on board, the city has the authority to issue citations when codes are violated(fines are $100 and up). We have included some snippets of the city’s ordinances regarding animals:

  • Dogs and cats must remain within the owner’s property, either fenced in or on a leash
  • Pets are prohibited from making objectionable noises for any length of time
  • Dog waste must be removed by pet owner/walker

Sec. 8-32. Removal of dog excrement.   It shall be unlawful for any person who owns a dog, or for any person who has charge, custody, or control of a dog, to fail to remove feces excreted by the dog on public or private property, other than property of its owner.  Such person shall carry with them plastic bags or other containers for removing and disposing of the feces in a lawful and sanitary manner.

Definition of Public Nuisance Animals:

(1)Is repeatedly found At Large;

(2)Damages the property of anyone other than its Owner;

(3)Chases vehicles on the public right-of-way;

(4)  Makes excessive disturbing noises, including but not limited to continued or repeated howling, barking, whining or other utterances causing unreasonable annoyance, disturbance or discomfort to the neighbors or to others in close proximity to the premises where the Animal is kept or harbored.  

(5)Is offensive or dangerous to the public health, safety or welfare by virtue of the number or types of Animals kept or harbored; or

(6)Attacks other Animals.

 No companion Animal shall be allowed to unreasonably annoy humans , to endanger the life or health of other Animals or persons acting lawfully, or to substantially interfere with the rights of others thereby interfering with the reasonable use and enjoyment of property.

Upon receipt of an “Affidavit of Complaint,” signed by 2 or more unrelated County residents, each residing in separate dwellings in the vicinity in which the alleged violation occurred, made under oath or affirmation before an individual authorized by law to take acknowledgements, setting forth the nature and the date of the act or acts, the Owner of the companion Animal, the address of the owner and the description of the companion Animal doing such act or acts, an Animal Services Officer shall conduct an investigation of the incident.

View the complete list of city ordinances with regard to Dogs.

Download city ordinances with regard to Dogs