
City Looks to Tame Traffic

sarasota traffic calming

Does Sarasota need more public transportation, more bike lanes and paths, or perhaps more traffic should be channelled to side streets? These are the questions city planners are asking as they begin work on a new transportation master plan that will set the tone for getting around Sarasota for years to come.

City staff are aware that residents can be sensitive to changes that effect their transportation and neighborhoods. Chief Transportation Planner Colleen McGue told that the city wants to be sensitive to neighborhood concerns. “It’s a delicate balance,” McGue said. “We don’t want to be channeling high-speed traffic onto neighborhood roads, but they are public roads. Just because it’s in front of your house doesn’t mean you own it.”

Planners hope to present a transportation master plan to the City Commission in 16 months. Staff will study existing conditions and gather data before beginning their analysis. During that analysis, the planners will hold workshops and post online surveys to encourage public participation.

The Laurel Park Neighborhood Association Board is setting up a committee to monitor traffic problems in our neighborhood and to make sure LPNA’s voice is heard during the transportation planning process. If you are interested in being on the committee or have concerns about neighborhood traffic, contact the LPNA Traffic Committee.